RocWall Ezy BOND is a specifically formulated acrylic stud adhesive designed for fixing plasterboard or fibre cement materials to timber or metal frames in conjunction with nails or screws.
Clean up
Clean up with water before drying occurs.
Store between 5 and 28 degree Celsius out of direct sunlight.
Shelf life
12 months if unopened.
Framing must be clean and free from oil, dust, moisture or any other foreign material. Board must be fixed within 20 minutes of applying RocWall Ezy BOND.
- This is guide only and it is recommended to use the board manufacturer’s recommendations for fixing instructions prior to installation or use.
- Apply RocWall Ezy BOND to frame with broad knife or applicator gun in daubs of 25mm diameter and a height of 15mm-20mm. Never screw off nail where daubs of RocWall Ezy BOND have been applied.
- For timber frames apply daubs at a minimum of 230mm centres with a minimum of 200mm centres from the edge of the board. Screw or nail the board to the timber frame at 300mm centres with a minimum of 150mm centres at butt joints. Screw or nail recessed edges of board at each stud.
- For steel frames apply daubs at a minimum of 230mm centres with a minimum of 200mm centres from the edge of the board. Screw the board to the steel frame at 300mm centres with a minimum of 150mm centres at butt joints. Screw recessed edges of board at each stud.
- For ceilings apply daubs of RocWall Tiger Grip at 230mm centres with a minimum of 200mm centres from each edge of the board. Screw recessed edge of the board at each stud or 150mm centres. Screw butt joints at 150mm centres. Screw centre of sheet at 50-75mm centres through each joint. Back blocking may be used on edges to ensure correct fixing.
- RocWall Ezy BOND will dry to full strength in 24hours in normal conditions.
Keep container closed to prevent drying out of the compound.
Wash tools with water before product dries and hardens.
Health and Safety Precautions
RocWall Ezy BOND is classed as non-hazardous.
Wear safety glasses, overalls and rubber gloves when applying RocWall Ezy BOND.
Spilt material should be left to harden and disposed of to a landfill. Do not flush down drains. Packaging should be disposed of to a landfill.
If ingested, please contact the National Poisons Information line on 13 11 26.
First Aid
Eye Contact: Flush material from eyes with large quantities of water. Contact a doctor if irritation persists.
Ingestion: May cause obstruction of the intestine when product hardens. Contact a doctor immediately.
Skin contact: Wash with mild soap and water. Use a commercially available lotion to treat dry skin areas. If cracking of the skin occurs, treat appropriately to prevent infection and promote healing.