Working and drying times
Weather conditions and temperature can affect drying times and will vary accordingly.
Until compound is completely set, temperatures of 10°C should be maintained for water, air and surfaces.
Allow 24 hours to dry.
- Always begin with clean water and equipment.
- Mix and test apply before adding water.
- Place compound into a suitable container and add water as needed.
- Mix to a toothpaste-like consistency.
Note: it is easier to adjust a thicker mix than a runny mix.
Usage instructions
Ensure no loose material or dust will interfere.
- Apply a final coat of RocWall TOP to minimum width of 300mm with broad knife to recess edges and 400mm for butt joints.
- Finish with thin coat of RocWall TOP using a 150mm (6″) broad knife for internal corners.
- Finish with thin coat of RocWall TOP using a 250mm or 300 (10″ or 12″) broad knife for external corners.
- Sand lightly when dry with 180 grit sandpaper or 220 grit sanding mesh.
Keep container closed to prevent drying out of the compound.
Wash tools with water before product dries and hardens.
RocWall TOP will accept more types of decorative finishes. When painting plasterboard, a three coat system must be used. This consists of a sealer and two coats of paint.
Health and Safety Precautions
Avoid exposure to excessive dust and always wear a safety mask complying with NZS/AS 1715 & 1716 when mixing or sanding this product.
Spilt material should be left to harden and disposed of to a landfill. Do not flush down drains. Packaging should be disposed of to a landfill.
If ingested, please contact the National Poisons Information line on 13 11 26.
First Aid
Eye Contact: Flush material from eyes with large quantities of water. Contact a doctor if irritation persists.
Ingestion: May cause obstruction of the intestine when product hardens. Contact a doctor immediately.
Inhalation: Leave the area of dust exposure and remain well away until coughing and other symptoms subside.
Skin contact: Wash with mild soap and water. Use a commercially available lotion to treat dry skin areas. If cracking of the skin occurs, treat appropriately to prevent infection and promote healing.