RocWall Base Coat is a premium grade plaster-based cement for embedding joint tape and second coating all plasterboard joints. RocWall Base Coat is ideal for use with mechanical tools.
RocWall Base Coat formulation delivers excellent coverage, superior adhesion, practically no shrinkage and easy workability. Joint finishing is fast, easy and smooth reducing labour costs and putting confidence in any plastering job.Coat
RocWall MPC or RocWall TOP can be used over RocWall Base Coat as a finishing coat.
Available in a range of setting times, from 20 minutes to 150 minutes.
RocWall Base Coats are chemically reacting products as to drying through evaporation of water. Controlled working times after mixing result in plastering jobs to have superior tape adhesion and joint strength during first coat and second coat application.
First Coat
Embed RocWall Paper Tape centrally over joints allowing at least 1mm thickness of compound under RocWall Paper Tape and cover lightly. Apply similarly to butt joints and internal corners. Cover all external corner beads and fastener heads. Allow compound to set and harden for the prescribed time before second coating.
Second Coat
Fill recessed edges to a width of 200mm, butt joints to a width of 400mm, external corner beads to a width of 200mm, internal corners to a width of 75mm and cover all fastener heads. Allow compound to set and harden for the prescribed time before final coating.
Third Coat
Apply final coat with a thin coat of RocWall MPC or RocWall TOP and allow to dry for approximately 24 hours before sanding with 180 grit sandpaper or 220 grit sanding mesh.